
1 10 In Decimal Form

1/10 equally a decimal is 0.1

Want to exercise?

In the fraction 1/10 , the number 1 is

  • Numerator
  • Denominator
  • Decimal
  • Fraction

In the fraction 1/10 , the number 10 is

  • Numerator
  • Denominator
  • Decimal
  • Fraction

What is the equivalent fraction to i/10?

  • 2/10
  • 2/20
  • three/20
  • 1/20

What is the equivalent fraction to ane/10?

  • 4/xl
  • 2/30
  • i/xx
  • 3/20

Write the fraction ane/ten equally a decimal without the long division.


Fractions have 2 parts- the numerator and the denominator. The numerator is the number at the top of the fraction and the denominator is the number at the bottom of the fraction.

All the fractions can be converted to decimals by dividing the numerator past the denominator. Some fractions can be converted to decimal without actually doing the sectionalization.

This is the case when the denominator of the fraction is a number that is one followed by one or more than zeros like 10, 100, thou, and so on.

Boost your score What is 1/10 as a decimal img

The rule to convert such a fraction to a decimal is that the number of zeros in the denominator is the aforementioned every bit the number of digits the decimal point is to movement to the left side.

Hither our fraction  $$\frac1{10}$$ tin be direct converted to decimal without dividing since we have the number x in the denominator. So the number of digits that the decimal point has to be moved is i.


Nosotros tin also try the division method to convert the given fraction to decimal.

1/10 as a decimal


Here are some common terms you should be familiar with.

  • In the fraction $$\frac1{10}$$, the number ane is the dividend ( our numerator )
  • The number 10 is our divisor ( our denominator) .

Yous may be interested in such a topic: what is one/9 as a decimal fraction?

Find More Fractions to Decimals

1 10 In Decimal Form,


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