
How To Use A Vietnamese Coffee Filter

If y'all are familiar with Vietnamese coffee, you definitely would have come across the quirky fashion the Vietnamese mash their coffee using thephin filter. Everywhere in Vietnam, from the small-scale corner shops to the fancy coffee bondage, y'all will spot ane or two customers enjoying their ca phe sua da (Vietnamese iced coffee) brewed using thisphin filter. Even here in the UK if you guild a Vietnamese coffee in a Vietnamese restaurant, this will definitely most probable be made from aphin.

Vietnamese Coffee Phin Brewing with view of Hanoi Opera House

When in Hanoi: having a ca phe sua da (Vietnamese iced coffee) overlooking the Hanoi Opera House

So what exactly is a phin?

Phin - the Vietnamese name for their traditional coffee brewing tool - is a coffee filter made of metal that brews coffee through a slow-dripping method. It works similarly to a cascade-over tool like V60 or Chemex. Thephin consists of four main components:

  • The primary brewing sleeping room, this is where you volition add the coffee and h2o to mash the coffee. The perforated bottom allows the h2o to baste through and go on whatsoever java granules from falling into the cup.
  • The perforated gravity screen to place on tiptop of the coffee inside the sleeping room. Once the hot water is added, due to gravity this screen presses down the coffee simply at the same time allows the gasses generated to escape through the perforated holes, creating a perfect pressure for the coffee to brew. You can also detect a unlike type of insert with screw; notwithstanding generally this gravity insert works better than the screw blazon as this doesn't compress the coffee too much, making information technology easier for the coffee to drip through.
  • The chapeauto keep the coffee hot while brewing and can also human activity as the additional footstep to bloom the java at the bottom of the sleeping room. This is a unique trick from Half-dozen Asia, continue on reading to see how we do it!
  • The bottom perforated filter to catch whatever coffee granules escaping the chamber and to human activity as additional surface to place on meridian of a loving cup or a glass.

    Components of Vietnamese phin filter: chamber, inner screen, bottom filter, lid

    The components of Vietnamese phin filter.

    Why should I consider using thephin?

    At Six Asia we might exist a little biased as nosotros grew up brewing our java using the traditional phin in Vietnam. All the same we believe everybody should give thephin and this unique coffee brewing method a endeavor for a couple of great reasons:

    • Phin  is so easy to use. Anyone can brand a perfect brew with this filter in less than 5 minutes, and we accept created a quick guide beneath to walk you lot through step-by-step when you want to give it a go.
    • Phin  is environmental-friendly. Made out of metal, it is considered to exist more eco-friendly than many plastic filter counterparts. Additionally, the double filtering process eliminates the need to use single-utilise lining papers, farther reducing waste.
    • Phin  brews a potent, delicious loving cup of coffee. The unique design of thephin allows the java to brew and baste gradually at a irksome pace, producing much more than full-bodied drops of coffee than other filters.
    • Phin  is compact and travel-friendly. The traditional 4oz size is less than four inches in diameter and peak, much smaller compared to a V60 or a cafetiere, and doesn't require electricity or a stove to operate. In your side by side adventure, if y'all would like to switch instant java to a freshly brewed cup, consider packing aphin with y'all.

    Phin coffee brewing tool: compact for travel

    The phin is such a compact coffee brewing tool, we took it camping with us!

      Tin can I use phin filter for any types of coffee?

      While thephin filter is our recommended fashion to make an authentic cup of Vietnamese coffee, thephin is and then versatile it can exist used for any type of java!

      The size of coffee grounds really matters here, as too fine grind will make it impossible for the h2o to baste through and instead you will create a bit of a mud-like mixture. Conversely too coarse of a grind and the coffee might not blot and brew enough in the chamber and the result will be more than like flavoured water instead. We recommend using medium to coarse ground to be used in this filter, similar to a V60. At 6 Asia all our coffee are ground to be suitable forphin filter if you don't want the hassle of grinding your own beans (although we strongly recommend grinding your beans simply before brewing your java to ensure its freshness).

      I desire to make an authentic Vietnamese java, exercise I need Robusta beans and condensed milk?

      While the sighting of Vietnamese coffee with condensed milk is an infamous one, the condensed milk is such a controversial topic equally many people will characterise Vietnamese coffee equally "sweet" or "only for sweet-toothed person" due to this addition. In reality you tin enjoy Vietnamese java with or without the condensed milk. In fact yous tin can add fresh milk and/or carbohydrate if this is your preferred way of drinking coffee. Y'all can even exercise a 2nd cascade of h2o once thephin has finished brewing to arrive more than Americano style and less stiff.

      If y'all are a big fan of the strong and sweet Ca Phe Sua Da - Vietnamese iced coffee with condensed milk, Half dozen Asia recommends pairing with the Traditional Roast Blend, Robusta or even the fancier Peaberry java, every bit the sweetness of the condensed milk is perfectly balanced when mixing with a assuming, nighttime chocolatey flavour of these beans. Withal if you prefer a balmy, medium-bodied loving cup of mash, Vietnam Arabica is the perfect choice with a splash of fresh milk.

      How to brew your Vietnamese coffee using the phin filter: Step-by-step

      To make your perfect mash of Vietnamese coffee, you volition need the following ingredients:

      • 15g (2-3 tablespoon) of coffee footing for filter (medium-coarse grind)
      • Traditional Vietnamese phin filter - 4oz size
      • Optional: condensed milk, or the vegan coconut condensed milk alternative

      Don't have everything handy? 6 Asia's Vietnamese java feel gift box has everything yous need to make your perfect loving cup of coffee, from the two roast varieties - mild Vietnamese Arabica and bolder Vietnamese Traditional Roast - in whole beans or filter ground, the phin filter, the condensed milk (vegan option available), to the step-by-footstep pedagogy. Perfect to indulge yourself in some authentic experience, or to gift to your java loving friends and family.

      Prefer to run into this instruction in video? Check it out on Youtube, information technology's less than 1 minute sentinel!

      Now let'south suspension downwardly the step by stride guide on how to mash the perfect loving cup of coffee using the phin filter!

      Vietnamese Coffee Phin Brew Step 1: Remove the inner screen

      Step 1: Remove the inner screen inside the sleeping accommodation of the filter.

      As mentioned above of how the dripping method works, the coffee needs to be trapped with the force per unit area betwixt the generated gasses coming upwardly and the screen on meridian of the coffee weighing downward due to gravity in order to brew perfectly.

      Vietnamese Coffee Phin Brewing Step 2: Adding Coffee to Filter Chamber

      Step 2: Add 15g (ii-3 tablespoons) of ground coffee into the bedroom

      The size of coffee ground is very of import here, it's best recommended to use medium to coarse ground coffee. Additionally 15g is perfect for one-person cup of coffee; more than this and the coffee might not able to brew and drip through.

      Vietnamese Coffee Phin Brewing Step 3: pour water into the lid

      Pour hot h2o into the hat...

      Vietnamese Coffee Phin Brewing Step 3: Place the chamber on top of the lid

      And place the sleeping accommodation on top.

      Step 3: Pour some hot water into the lid and place the sleeping accommodation on top of the lid to flower the coffee at the bottom

      A secret play a joke on to aid the java blooming procedure! When you pour in the hot water, quite often only the coffee at the height is blooming and the hot water didn't really attain the coffee at the bottom. To avoid this, you can beginning add some hot water to the lid (exist careful non to overfill the hat as when yous put the bedroom on peak it will overflow), and then identify the bedroom on top of the lid and so the coffee can absorb the hot water from the bottom and bloom more evenly.

      Leave the coffee to sit down and bloom for about thirty second or until the h2o has fully captivated into the java.

      Vietnamese Coffee Phin Brewing Step 4 - place the screen on top of the coffee

      Step four: Place the inner screen on top of the java and printing gently

      In one case the coffee has bloomed equally per step 3, place the inner screen on top of the java and press gently. Do not press also tightly every bit the coffee might non be able to bloom properly during brewing, making it hard to baste through the filter.

      Stride 5: Place the filter on summit of a loving cup

      While many pictures online might wait like Vietnamese java should simply exist boozer in a glass, this is more for aesthetic or sit-in purpose. In fact you tin employ any mug or glass of your choice, as long as its mouth is no bigger than 8.5cm or 3.three inches or the bottom filter might not fit!

      Vietnamese Coffee Phin Brewing Step 6 - Pour water in the chamber gently

      Stride half-dozen: Cascade the water into the chamber slowly and gently

      This is a critical step, rushing it and the h2o might just run through very apace. We recommend to break this step downwards into 2 parts:

      • Pour in some water but to bloom the top of the coffee and wait for thirty seconds.
      • Later the coffee started blooming, add together the residual of the water till information technology fills the brim of the sleeping room.

      Vietnamese Coffee Phin Brewing Step 7: place the lid on top and wait for the coffee to drip through

      Step vii: Place the hat on top, sit back and watch the coffee drip

      Finally, a perfectly brewed cup of coffee is non far!

      All y'all need to exercise now is to place the chapeau on pinnacle to keep the java hot, sit back and watch every single drop dripping through the filter. This is quite a relaxing experience and can be a run a risk for yous to unwind.


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